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NY Times Briefing から。アヘン戦争の発端を描いた本を紹介しつつ、現在の米国政権の保護主義貿易政策を暗に簡潔に批判しています。


How Britain Went to War With China Over Opium



HONG KONG — In 1840, Britain went to war with China over questions of trade, diplomacy, national dignity and, most importantly, drug trafficking. While British officials tried to play down the illicit origins of the conflict, opponents gave it a name that made the link quite clear: the Opium War.



The war is often seen as having been inevitable. But viewed through the lens of its own era, the conflict is deeply counterintuitive, Stephen R. Platt writes in “Imperial Twilight: The Opium War and the End of China’s Last Golden Age.” The new book from Mr. Platt, a history professor at the University of Massachusetts, Amherst, explores how the war came about through the influence of unscrupulous traders.



To many people in Britain the notion of going to war to advance the interests of drug dealers, against a country that had always been friendly to Britain, was abhorrent.



On its face, the Opium War was almost absurd in its conception: the British sent a small fleet and a few thousand troops to make war on an empire of more than three hundred million people. But they were emboldened by reports from travelers that the merchants of China wanted free trade with the British and only their government stood in the way — essentially, that the British would be welcomed by the ordinary people with open arms. It was a gamble that would have been unthinkable a generation earlier.



In the early nineteenth century, trade was a common language between China and Britain despite the great differences in their national cultures. Chinese and British officials alike recognized that the legal, aboveboard trade was a strong stabilizing factor in international affairs. It was when governments intruded too directly, and especially when issues of national prestige entered the mix, that problems would arise. Left to its own devices, however, the Canton trade was a largely peaceful and profitable meeting of civilizations. So maybe the lesson to remember today is that economic engagement provides the ballast for our relationship with China, and we should be very careful how we let politics interfere with it.




Britain イギリス Great Britain (England, Scotland, Wales = “本島”)   United Kingdom (England, Scotland, Wales + Northern Ireland)    British Isles (上記+ Republic of Ireland 無数の小さな島々も) 

Go to war with ~ over ~  を巡って戦争をする

Opium  アヘン  The Opium War阿片戦争 1839-42, 1856-60  https://www.britannica.com/topic/Opium-Wars 香港は1997年に中国へ返還。

Questions of trade 貿易 diplomacy 外交 national dignity 国家的威厳 の問題

Drug trafficking 麻薬の密輸・売買 human trafficking 人身売買  drug dealer 麻薬の売買人

Officials 政府関係者

Play down   小さく見せる 目立たなくさせる = minimize 小さくする

Illicit 非合法の 不道徳の = unlawful / illegal  不法の    legal / lawful 合法の legitimate  合法の 適正の

Origin 始まり

Conflict 紛争 争い 

Opponent 敵 競争相手

Quite clear 極めて明白

Be seen as ~  と見られる 見える = be regarded / viewed as

Inevitable 避けられない 

Lens of it’s own era その時代の眼鏡のレンズで

Counterintuitive  直感に反した 予想に反した intuitive 直感的に分かりやすい 

Imperial 帝国の twilight たそがれ 夕方

Come about 起きる = happen /  take place 起きる     be brought about  もたらされる

Through the influence of ~  の影響を通して

Unscrupulous 不道徳な 悪な 節操の無い  scrupulous良心的な 慎重な

Trader 貿易商人 取引人 = merchant     free trade 自由貿易

Notion アイデア 考え = idea 

Advance the interests of ~  の利益を発展させる・手助けする

Abhorrent 汚らわしい 嫌悪をもよおす

On it’s face 額面では 

Absurd 馬鹿げた

Conception  計画や案の始まり  頭で理解できる範囲   concept 案 計画 コンセプト

Fleet 船の艦隊 車の隊列

Troop  兵隊の部隊   騎馬隊    trooper 騎馬兵 (米国)州警察

Embolden ~  を元気づける 更に精神的に強くする 

Stand / be in the way  邪魔者になる 

Essentially 要は つまるところ

Ordinary people 一般の普通の人々

With open arms 手を広げて 温かく迎えて

Would have been  (仮定法) もし~であったら~であった

Unthinkable 考えられない

One generation earlier ひと世代前

Common 共通の

Despite ~ に拘わらず

Alike 両者ともに 同様に

Recognize ~ を認識する 理解する 

Aboveboard 公平な 正々堂々の above 上の(隠れていない) + board 板 机 = straightforward  fair  honest        under the table  非合法に 密かに     underhand  ひきょうな

Stabilizing factor 安定させる要素 stabilize ~ を安定させる

International affairs 国際関係・政治

Intrude  介入する 割り込む = interfere / meddle with ~  邪魔する おせっかいする

Too directly  直接過ぎる形で 

Issues of national prestige  国家的威厳・名声・プライドの問題   記事では、実際には問題でなかった皇帝とイギリス大使の関係等や文化的な事が誇大されたり作りあげられたりしたとしている。

Enter the mix  ごちゃ混ぜになった諸々の事に入る 

Arise 起こる 沸き起こる

Leave to own devices   任せる 手助けなしでやらせる

Largely 大方は

Peaceful and profitable meeting 平和で利益のある集い・出会い・合意 

Lesson to remember 覚えておくべき・思い出すべき教訓 

Economic engagement   経済的な関わり engagement 関わること 

Provide ~  を提供する  provide / supply 人 with モノ

Ballast バラスト 重り 


引用:2018/7/4  NY Times Briefing. How Britain Went to War With China Over Opium から抜粋。
