
英語 ひでさん

NY Times (英字新聞)で日本・世界を読む

「"天への侮辱です。" ローマ教会フランシスコ教皇訪日」ニューヨーク・タイムズ(英字新聞)を読む







Pope Francis, in Japan, Warns of ‘Selfish Decisions’ on Nuclear Energy



 … “a crime not only against the dignity of human beings but against any possible future for our common home,” …



“The arms race wastes precious resources that could be better used to benefit the integral development of peoples and to protect the natural environment,”…



“In a world where millions of children and families live in inhumane conditions, the money that is squandered and the fortunes made through the manufacture, upgrading, maintenance and sale of ever more destructive weapons are an affront crying out to heaven,” ...


On Monday, Francis also addressed the deterioration of international ties at a time when populist governments and leaders have taken to looking inward.



“We are witnessing an erosion of multilateralism, which is all the more serious in light of the growth of new forms of military technology,” he said in Nagasaki. “Such an approach seems highly incongruous in today’s context of interconnectedness; it represents a situation that urgently calls for the attention and commitment of all leaders.”



He described what he called the disconnectedness of a group of young people he had met at St. Mary’s Cathedral in Tokyo.



 “They remain on the margins, unable to grasp the meaning of life and their own existence,” he said. “Increasingly, the home, school and community, which are meant to be places where we support and help one another, are being eroded by excessive competition in the pursuit of profit and efficiency. Many people feel confused and anxious; they are overwhelmed by so many demands and worries that take away their peace and stability.”




Pope 教皇 =  the Holy See 教皇 教皇庁      papal 教皇の   pontificate 教皇就任期間  the Roman Catholic Church ローマ・カトリック教会 

warn of ~  について警告する   warn 人to ~ しろと警告する     warn 人 not to ~ するなと警告する

Selfish decision 自己中心的な決定 

Nuclear energy 原発   nuclear weapon 核兵器   atomic bomb 原子爆弾 

Crime against ~  へ対する罪 sin 倫理的・宗教的な罪

Dignity 威厳

Any possible future for our common home 我々の共通の家・故郷のあらゆる将来的可能性

Arms race 武器の開発競争

Waste precious resources 貴重な資源を無駄にする・浪費する

That could be better used to 浪費されていなければ〜するのにより良い使い方ができる

Benefit ~  の為になる benefit from ~ から恩恵を受ける

Integral development of peoples 国々の人々の全体での健全な発展

Inhumane conditions 非人間的な環境

Squander ~ を浪費する    = waste

Fortunes (that are) made through ~  を通して築かれる巨大な財産

Manufacture, upgrading, maintenance and sale  生産と改善、整備、販売

Ever more destructive 常により破壊的な

Affront crying out to heaven  天へ向かって叫ばれている侮辱

Address ~ について述べる

The deterioration of international ties 国家間の繋がりの劣化

Witness ~  を目撃する 目撃者   testify ~  証言する

Erosion 浸食 erode ~ を侵食する

Multilateralism 多国家相互互助主義 interconnectedness 相互のつながり

In light of ~ を鑑みると

Incongruous 合わない 合致しない

Represent ~  を意味する 代弁する

Urgently calls for the attention and commitment 注目と責任のある行動を緊急に要する

Describe ~  を表す

What he called the disconnectedness  断絶と彼が呼ぶもの

Remain on the margins 若者たちが心理的・物理的に社会の端におかれている

Unable to ~  することができない

Grasp ~  を理解する 掴む

Increasingly だんだんと

Be meant to be ~  であるように意図される

Excessive competition 過剰な競争

Pursuit of profit and efficiency 利益と効率の追求

Confused and anxious 混乱して心配になっている

Overwhelm ~  を圧倒する

Demands and worries 要求と心配事

Take away ~  を奪う

Peace and stability 平和と安定


引用:2019/11/26 NY Times. Asia Pacific. Pope Francis, in Japan, Warns of ‘Selfish Decisions’ on Nuclear Energy から抜粋。

