
英語 ひでさん

NY Times (英字新聞)で日本・世界を読む

「”タマゴヤキ (英語版)” の作り方」ニューヨーク・タイムズ(英字新聞)を読む

Tamagoyaki (Japanese Rolled Omelet)



Tamagoyaki, a Japanese staple, is made by carefully rolling several thin layers of cooked egg into a rectangular omelet, which creates a soft and delicate texture. Traditionally, it’s made in a special tamagoyaki pan, but this version also works with an 8-inch nonstick skillet. … Don’t worry about little tears; they’ll be covered up with the next layer.

“タマゴヤキ” は 日本食の中心的存在で、卵が四角く何層にも丸められて焼かれていて、柔らかく繊細な歯ごたえのオムレツである。昔から専用の卵焼き器が使われるが、ここで紹介するレシピは、8インチのテフロンのフライパンでも大丈夫。少しぐらいちぎれても気にしない。次の層で隠すことができる。



  1. In a small bowl, combine eggs, mirin, soy sauce, dashi (if using) and sugar. Whisk until well combined.



  1. Heat 1 teaspoon oil in a tamagoyaki pan or a nonstick 8-inch skillet over medium. Using a small piece of folded paper towel, carefully wipe the excess oil from the pan and set aside paper towel (you will need it to grease the pan for each egg layer).



  1. Pour about 3 tablespoons of the egg mixture into the pan and quickly tilt the pan, swirling the egg mixture around to create an even layer. If there are thicker areas, gently poke a small hole at the thickest point with chopsticks and tilt and swirl the pan to cover exposed areas with more raw egg to form an even layer.



  1. After the layer is cooked, about 1 minute, using chopsticks or a rubber spatula, gently lift the egg edges on the farthest side to loosen the layer’s grip. While tilting the pan, carefully fold the egg about 1/4 of the way toward yourself. Continue to fold the egg equally on itself until you have a narrow, rectangular omelet at the edge of the pan nearest you. Reduce the heat to medium-low if the egg is browning.



  1. Using the paper towel, lightly grease the exposed area of the pan. Pour another 3 tablespoons of the remaining egg mixture into the exposed area of the pan and quickly swirl it around to create another layer. Use chopsticks or a soft spatula to gently lift up the folded omelet and tilt the pan toward you so the raw egg mixture runs under the omelet.



  1. Once the layer is cooked, gently roll the omelet away from you in three to four flips. Repeat Steps 3 to 5 with remaining three layers, greasing the pan before each additional layer. The number of flips will decrease as the omelet grows in size with each additional layer.



  1. Transfer omelet to a cutting board or a plate when done. Cut crosswise into four pieces and rotate, cut (*put) side up, to show egg layers. (If using a nonstick 8-inch skillet, you can trim both ends of the omelet to make them even.) Serve immediately or chill for later.

できあがったら、まな板かお皿に移す。横に4つに切り、横を上にして層が見えるようにする。(もし、8インチのノンスティックのフライパンを使っているなら、端を切り取ることで4つとも均等になる。) 直ぐに食べるか、冷やしてとっておく。



Roll ~  を転がす 丸める  fold 折る

Staple 主食  重要な食

Thin layer 薄い層

Cook egg into a rectangular (細長い四角) omelet  四角いオムレツの形に料理する

Texture 歯ごたえ 

Traditionally 伝統的に = conventionally

Pan  フライパン = skillet / frying pan  wok 中華鍋

Work 上手くいく

Inch  インチ = 2.54cm    1 foot / 12 inches (in) / 約30cm    1 yard (yd) / 3 feet (ft) / 約90cm

Tear ちぎれた部分

Cover up with ~  で隠す

Bowl ボール 杯

Whisk ~  泡立てる   かき混ぜる 泡立て器で混ぜる   

Combined 混ざった状態

Heat 熱する warm  (up) 温まる・める cool (down) / chill 冷やす・冷める

Teaspoon 小さじ 5ml     tablespoon 大さじ 15ml   

Excess oil 余分な油

Set aside ~ をとっておく

Grease ~  に油をぬる    = lubricate  潤滑油をさす

Pour (into ~ に) 流れ込む お茶等を注ぐ

Mixture 混ぜたもの  = batter

Swirl (around)  回すように動かす  tilt 傾ける 

Poke a hole つっついて穴を開ける

Cover exposed areas with more raw egg生の卵で空いた部分を埋める

Form an even layer 均等の層を形成する

Rubber spatula ゴム・プラチックのフライ返し

Lift the edges 端を持ち上げる  edge / end / side 端 横

Farthest 一番遠く  nearest 一番近く farther 遠い  near  近い

Loosen the layer’s grip フライパンにくっついている層を剥がす

Equally 均等に = evenly

Reduce the heat 火を下げる to the medium low 中・弱火まで

Brown 茶色くなる golden brown 美味しそうな黄金色

Lightly 軽く  gently優しく 丁寧に  carefully 慎重に

Exposed area はだけている部分

Remaining 残っている remainder 残り

Flip ひっくり返すこと   をひっくり返す

Decrease / increase 減らす・増やす 

Grow in size  サイズが大きくなる

Transfer ~  を移す = move

Crosswise  横に 十字に lengthwise 縦に

Rotate 回す

Trim / cut 切る

Immediately 直ぐに 


引用:2019/7/29  NY Times Cooking. Tamagoyaki (Japanese Rolled Omelet) から抜粋。
