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Forged by Volcanoes, Kamchatka Offers Majestic, Magnetic Wilds



While salmon inhabit the waterways year round, millions return to spawn every summer. After laying their eggs, they die, and their carcasses turn into a biomass that stokes the fecund nature.



“This entire biomass migrates to different areas, on the land, in the forests, in the meadows, in the rivers themselves, and it shapes the ecosystem,” said Yevgeny G. Lobkov, a jovial, goateed professor of biology at Kamchatka State Technical University. “In essence, the entire ecosystem of Kamchatka is built on the carcasses of spawning salmon.”



Bears, trees, everything grows bigger. Researchers at Kronotsky Nature Reserve, a Federal protected area, found that boom years for spawning salmon produced wider tree rings.



That natural bounty also brings trouble, however. The animals, especially in a region lacking economic resources, have attracted poachers for decades.



First, almost the entire population of wild reindeer was wiped out. Then Western trophy hunters shot the largest bears and big-horned sheep. Arab princes pay $50,000 and up for falcons smuggled off Kamchatka, while Asian pirate ships used to vacuum up king crabs from the Sea of Okhotsk.



But the biggest poaching prize has long been the salmon and their roe, which underpin the local economy and constitute the staple diet for some 14,000 indigenous residents.



The crux of the problem, explained Sergey Vakhrin, a conservationist who founded a nonprofit organization called “Country of Fish and Fish Eaters,” was that fishing companies, corrupt politicians and enforcement agents, along with the criminal “poaching mafia,” worked in concert. They vastly overshot the quotas meant to preserve fish.

“魚と魚を食べる国”という名前のNPOの創設者で自然保護活動家のセルゲイ・バクリン氏によると、一番の問題は、漁業会社と汚職にまみれた政治家や取り締まる役人達、そして犯罪組織の ”密漁マフィア” 達が一緒になって、魚を絶滅させない為の制限量を遥かに超えて漁を行っているいる現実だとの事である。


Major fishing companies and some tourist organizations, for example, having bought exclusive rights to certain estuary fishing grounds or whole rivers, police their areas to protect their investment.

(しかし昨年の豊富なサケの漁獲量からみると、保護も上手く行っていて、) 大手の漁業会社や観光会社が、例えば、一定の河口周辺の漁場や川全体などの漁業権を買い占め、その投資を無駄にしないために見回ることによって保護が進められている。



Forge ~ 作り上げる 鋳造する 捏造する = shape / form / create

Volcano 火山 lava 溶岩 magma マグマ 

Offer 与える = give

Majestic 荘厳な 

Magnetic 磁石のように惹きつける = fascinating / attractive

Wilds山奥の自然 = wilderness 

Inhabit ~  に暮らす = live / dwell in ~

Waterway 水路 = river / canal 運河

Year round 一年中

Million 百万 billion 十億    thousand 千    hundred 百  

Spawn 産卵する = laying eggs 魚の卵 = roe

Carcass 動物の屍 corpse 人間の死体

Biomass バイオマス 

Stoke the fecund nature 肥沃な自然を促す・増やす 

Migrate移動する  migration 渡ること  migrant 移民

Meadow (高地の) 草原 

Ecosystem 生態系

Reserve保護地域  = preserve

Boom year 豊作の年

Bounty 恵み

Lack ~  に欠ける 

Poacher 密猟者 poach 密猟する

Population 生息数 人口

Wild reindeer トナカイ wipe out ~ を消し去る

Trophy hunter 飾り用に動物の頭等を狩りする猟師

Shoot the largest bears and big-horned sheep なるべく大きな熊やビッグホーンの狩りをする

Falcon 鷹 

Smuggle ~ を密輸する 

Vacuum up ~  掃除機できれいに吸い取る

Underpin ~  を支える = support

Constitute the staple diet 主食・毎日の食事に重要な部分を形成する

Some 14,000  1万4千かそこらの

Indigenous resident 原住民 その地で昔から暮らす部族の人々

Crux 肝心な部分

Conservationist 保護運動活動家 conservation 保護すること conserve ~ を守る

Nonprofit (organization)  = NPO

Corrupt 汚職にまみれた politicians and enforcement agents政治家と取り締まる警察・役人達

Work in concert 一緒になって企む

Vastly overshoot ~  を大幅に越える

The quota(s) (that are) meant to preserve fish 魚の数を確保するための制限量

Exclusive right 排他的利権

Estuary fishing ground 河口付近の漁場

Police ~ を取り締まる =enforce

Investment 投資   invest in ~  へ投資する


引用:2019/10/08 NY Times. Travel. Forged by Volcanoes, Kamchatka Offers Majestic, Magnetic Wilds から抜粋。 

