
英語 ひでさん

NY Times (英字新聞)で日本・世界を読む

「台風21号(台風ジェビ)の被害」 ニューヨーク・タイムズで英語を勉強する 

NY Times Asia Pacific から日本の台風21号についてです。


Japan Hit by Jebi, Strongest Typhoon in 25 Years; 2 Million Urged to Flee

日本、台風ジェビの被害に遭う。過去25年で最大の台風。 200万人が避難勧告を受ける


TOKYO — Close to 3,000 people were trapped at a major airport in southern Japan after a powerful storm made landfall on Tuesday, bringing widespread flooding and winds of up to 130 miles an hour. Nine people were dead, according to local news reports.



The storm, Typhoon Jebi, prompted government evacuation orders for more than 49,000 people across southern Japan, with an additional 2 million people advised to flee, the Fire and Disaster Management Agency said.



The storm traversed Japan’s main island of Honshu before traveling up its western coast, leaving a trail of death.



Early in the afternoon on Tuesday, an oil tanker unmoored by the storm crashed into the only bridge that connects Kansai International Airport in Osaka Bay to the mainland.



Much of the airport’s runways remained under water into early Wednesday, though the main terminal buildings were safe, said Takayuki Nomori, an officer with the Kansai Airport police.



The typhoon hit during a summer of meteorological misery for Japan, with floods and landslides killing more than 200 people in western Japan in July, the same month that heat waves claimed more than 130 lives.




Hit ~  にぶつかる = crash (on / into)   を打つ = strike  

Jebi  台風ジェビ フィリピンではメイメイ 台風21号  韓国語でツバメの意味     https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhoon_Jebi_(2018)  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Typhoon_Jebi

Typhoon 台風 = hurricane   cyclone   場所によって呼び方が違う  tornado 竜巻 tropical cyclone 熱帯低気圧

Million 百万 billion 十億 thousand 千 hundred 百

Urge 人 (to ~ / that )  せよと強く勧告する advise 忠告・助言する tell せよと言う recommend / suggest 勧める

Flee 避難する 逃げる  flee from / to  から…へ逃げる    flee 場所 から逃げる   = escape from    escape ~  を避ける   evacuate (from) ~  から避難する

Close to ~  近く = nearly  roughly  almost  

Trap ~  を捉える 罠にかける = catch   capture

Major airport  主な国際空港  local / private airport  小さな空港

Southern 南の northern 北  eastern東  western 西

Storm 雨  大雨・大雪

Make landfall  上陸する landfall 船や飛行機の到着

Widespread 広く広がった wide 広い + spread 広がる

Flooding 洪水 = flood   

Up to ~   最大で まで until      down to ~  最低・小で

Mile マイル 1mi. (マイル) = 約1.6km

According to ~ によると

Prompt 人 to ~  するよう促す prompt ~  を促す

Evaluation 避難 order 令

Across ~  に渡って

Additional 更に  上乗せの extra

Disaster management 災害対策 

Traverse ~ (の上)を移動する = cross (over) ~    travel across ~ 

Main island of Honshu   本州の本島

Leave ~ (behind) を後ろに残す

Trail 足跡 けもの道 登山道

Early in the afternoon  午後の早い時間帯

Unmoor 綱やいかりが外れる moor ~  船を綱や錨でつなぐ

Crash into ~ へ突っ込む

Connect A to B   をつなぐ

Bay 湾   harbor 港

Runway 滑走路   = airstrip      tarmac (舗装)  滑走路

Remain ~ into ~    へ至っても~のまま続く 

Though ~  であるが = although     but しかし  however しかしながら

Main terminal buildings 中心のテーミナルの建物群

Officer 警官 取締り官 police officer 警察官 police force 警察全体 警察隊

Meteorological 気象の meteorologist 天気予報士 meteorology 気象学

Misery 惨めな状態 

Landslide 土砂崩れ 

Heat wave熱波 猛暑 cold wave 寒波


引用:2018/09/05 NY Times Asia Pacific.  Japan Hit by Jebi, Strongest Typhoon in 25 Years; 2 Million Urged to Flee から抜粋。https://nyti.ms/2PvdwK6