
英語 ひでさん

NY Times (英字新聞)で日本・世界を読む

「世界最年長107歳の床屋 今でも現役、週5日1日8時間」

NY Times New York から、米国NY州の107歳の床屋さんのお話です。 週5日、1日8時間務めているとの事です。


The World’s Oldest Barber Is 107 and Still Cutting Hair Full Time - The New York Times



 “The guy’s been cutting hair for a century.”

“彼は一世紀の間、髪を切っている。” ニューヨーク、コーンウォールに住むオロークさんは言う。


Actually, Mr. O’Rourke was off by three years. Mr. Mancinelli is 107 and still working full time, cutting hair five days a week from noon to 8 p.m. He has been working in barbershops since he was 11. Warren Harding was in the White House.



The salon’s speakers were playing hip-hop on a recent afternoon. “He’s used to the windup record players,” Mr. O’Rourke teased.

最近午後に訪れた時は、サロンのスピーカーからはヒップ・ホップが流れていた。“彼は手回しの蓄音機に慣れているんだ。” オロークさんはからかう。


Mr. Mancinelli has a trim build, a steady hand and a full head of hair, albeit snow white. He spends much of his day on his feet, in a pair of worn, cracked leather black shoes.



But no, longevity does not run in his family, and he was never big on exercise. Diet-wise, he said, “I eat thin spaghetti, so I don’t get fat.”



He has all his teeth and is on no daily medication. He has never needed glasses, and his hairstyling hands are still steady.



Ms. Dinezza hired Mr. Mancinelli several years ago after another local shop cut back his hours. Her receptionist initially disregarded his application because of his age, but Mr. Mancinelli applied again, and impressed Ms. Dinezza with his cutting ability.



“Now, I feel like I’m working for him,” she said. “I get a million and one phone calls from people all over the world who have heard about him and want to visit.”




Barber 床屋   beautician / hairdresser美容師     have a haircut 髪を切る beauty salon / parlor 美容室 

Full time 本職の  フルタイムの part time パートの

Century 世紀  millennium 千年 millennia 何千年も  millennials 90年代・2000年代に生まれた若者

Off by three years   3年分ずれている being off  すこし外れている・おかしい

Five days a week 週5日 one time a day 毎日1回 per week / day  週・日に 24/7 7日間朝から晩まで

On a recent afternoon  最近の午後  (on) Monday afternoon    in the afternoon    

Be used to ~ に慣れている

Windup record player  手回し蓄音機   =  phonograph         wind up ~ 手で機械を回す


Tease ~  をからかう いじめる  = mock / taunt / ridicule

Trim 体格が痩せている = slim  slender

Build 体格

Steady 安定した しっかりした = stable / firm / solid

Albeit ~ にも拘わらず = despite / in spite of

Be / stand on his feet  立つ     元気

Be worn 使い古された 擦り切れた

Crack ひびが入る

Longevity 長寿

Run in the family   遺伝で〜が伝わる

Not big (a big fan) on ~    が好き・得意でない 

Diet 食事  Nutrition 栄養  nutritional  栄養の nutrition 栄養   nutrient 栄養素  diet 食事 dietician 栄養士 nutritionist 栄養学者

Wise  に関して = as to / about / as far as ~ goes

On medication 薬をとっている

Glasses = eyeglasses 眼鏡     shoes 靴  trousers / pants ズボン 

Hairstyling hands  ヘアー・スタイリストの手

Another local shop  同じ地域の個人経営のお店 

Cut back hours ~  労働時間を減らす

Receptionist 受付 reception 受付 イベントの後のパーティー

Initially 最初は  = at first     initial 最初の

Disregard ~  を無視する = ignore

Application 申し込み apply to / for ~ に申し込む      application 適用・応用

Impress ~  をいい意味でびっくりさせる 感銘を与える 良い印象を与える

Cutting ability 切る技術

Million 百万   billion 十億   trillion 兆   thousand 千 hundred 百   




引用:2018/10/08 NY Times New York. The World’s Oldest Barber Is 107 and Still Cutting Hair Full Time から抜粋。
