
英語 ひでさん

NY Times (英字新聞)で日本・世界を読む


NY Times Phys ED (Physical Education 体育)からです。


How Exercise Can Keep Aging Muscles and Immune Systems ‘Young’



Remaining physically active as we grow older could help to keep our muscles and immune systems robust, according to two inspiring new studies of older recreational cyclists.



For their inaugural study of the riders, which was published in 2014, the scientists measured a broad range of the cyclists’ physical and cognitive abilities and compared them to those of sedentary older people and much younger men and women. The cyclists proved to have reflexes, memories, balance and metabolic profiles that more closely resembled those of 30-year-olds than of the sedentary older group.




Exercise 運動 運動する

Keep ~ 状態 の状態に保つ   keep …… young を若く保つ

Age 年をとる 

Muscle 筋肉 

Immune 免疫の immune system 免疫システム

Remain (as/to be) ~ の状態で居続ける 場所に残る = stay

Physically 物理的に physical 物理的 肉体的 emotional 感情 情操の spiritual 精神的な

As ~ grow older 年をとる 

Robust 強い 逞しい = strong  tough  powerful 力強い healthy  well  sound 健康

According to ~ によると

Inspire ~ を鼓舞する  = excite  animate 刺激する encourage 元気づける

Study(ies) 研究 = research

Recreational 趣味で recreation 楽しむための   = leisure (time)   hobby 

Cyclist 自転車乗り

Inaugural 始めの 最初の inaugural speech 就任・開始の演説

Measure ~ を測る = gauge  weigh  scale 計る   check  assess  evaluate  調べる

Broad range 広い範囲

Cognitive 認知機能の cognition 考えたり理解する働き recognize ~ を認識する

Ability 能力  skill 技術 能力

Compare ~ を比べる  compare A to/with B   A とBを比べる

Sedentary 非活動的な

Prove (to) ~ を証明する 

Reflexes  瞬発力 筋肉の自然反射

Memory 記憶

Balance バランス

Metabolic 新陳代謝の metabolism 新陳代謝

Profile の情報 結果 

Resemble ~ に似る = be similar to    be/look alike  

Those of ~  の人々

30 yr olds 30歳の人々


引用 :2018/3/21 NY Times. Most popular, 2018/3/14 How Exercise Can Keep Aging Muscles and Immune Systems ‘Young’ より抜粋。
