
英語 ひでさん

NY Times (英字新聞)で日本・世界を読む


NY Times からアラスカ奥地(the bush)にある国立公園での女性二人の旅行記です。物理的な動きを表す基本的な表現や前置詞のおさらいです。原文はとても綺麗な写真が並んでいます。


An Alaska National Park as Big as Connecticut. Annual Visitors? 23,000.

You can get to gorgeous Lake Clark National Park and Preserve only by boat or plane. That’s kept the hordes away.




Our Cessna climbed away from the gridded layout of Anchorage and across Cook Inlet, the greenish aqua and silty river waters that feed it bumping up against each other. It was sunny and warm at the start of the 90-minute flight. A short time later, we dipped back into winter as we flew through the pass between the Neacola and Chigmit mountain ranges. The temperature dropped. Snow ruled the landscape.



Beth Hill, an owner of Tulchina Adventures, a local outfitter, met us by the plane. She offered to hold our bags while we hiked the only maintained trail system in all of Lake Clark. We threw our gear into Ms. Hill’s beautiful bumper-stickered beater of a truck, grabbed our daypacks and bear spray and went off to explore.



Though rated “moderate” in difficulty, the two-mile hike to Tanalian Falls had just enough uphill to keep it from feeling like a stroll. White paper birch trees, thin layers of bark peeling off and waving in the breeze, lined the trail. The nonstop call-and-response of birds was our soundtrack as we descended the last bit of the trail.



“Bear,” Tara said, steadily. There was no fear — the black bear was about 50 yards off. We were close enough to see it but far away enough not to be in his way. The bear wanted nothing to do with us. It disappeared into the trees.

“熊” とタラが落ち着いて言った。声に恐怖がない。50ヤード位離れてブラックベアーがいた。私達は、熊が見える近さに居るけれども、一方で熊の邪魔にならない十分離れた距離にいた。熊は我々には無関心だった。そのうち木々の中へ姿を消した。


After dinner, we played a card game or two and then both sat reading. I tried to, anyway. It was 8 p.m. and there were still three hours of light to go. The world had gone golden. I turned my chair toward the wall of windows that looked out onto the beaver slough between the cabin and the lake. Yellow-rumped warblers and other birds darted around. I would never need a TV if I lived here. The world outside the windows was all I wanted to watch.



That’s how it continued. We cooked meals, talked, went out on the lake in our kayaks, fished, wandered about, watched birds. Read. Watched birds again. This slice of Lake Clark National Park was all the world I needed. 



Then it was time to go. We packed. We loaded the boat back up. We got on a slightly bigger plane and flew over turquoise lakes that made me want to scream that I wanted to go back. But it was time to go back to our real homes, the ones that pull our focus in too many directions.





be as big as ~  と同じ位の大きさ

Annual 年間の monthly 月間の

Visitor 訪問者 観光客

Get to ~  へ着く = reach ~  arrive at / in ~

Gorgeous 豪華な すばらしい 綺麗な ハンサム・美人の

Lake Clark National Park and Preserve クラーク湖国立公園自然保護区 Preserve 自然保護区 保護して残すこと  保存食にすること  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lake_Clark_National_Park_and_Preserve

By boat 船で by train  by car  by 乗り物  by air/sea/land

Keep ~ away を遠ざけておく

Horde 群れ

Cessna セスナ

Climb 昇る 登る 

Away from ~ から離れて  Across ~  を渡って・越えて  over ~ の上を through ~ 中を通り抜けて into ~  の中へ onto ~  の上へ・表面へ on ~  の上で・水上で toward / to ~ へ向かって   against ~  互いに・(反対の方向から向かい合う感じで)   by ~ 側で in ~ 中で between ~ の間で

Gridded 格子状になった grid 格子

Layout 配列 レイアウト 街の区画

Across ~  を渡って 越えて

Cook Inlet クック入り江 inlet 入り江    bay 湾 

Greenish 緑ががった aqua 青色

Silty  泥の 砂の silt 底に溜まった砂・土

Rivers that feed it(Cook Inlet)   入り江に入る2つの川

Bump (up) ~  ぶつかる (against) 互いに

Flight 飛行

Dip into ~  に浸かる 

Through the pass  峠を抜ける

Mountain ranges 山脈 ranges 峰々 稜線

The temperature drop 気温が下がる rise 上がる

Landscape 景色  = scenery

Outfitter 道具・キャンプ用品のお店   outfit 装備をすること 道具一式 服 

Maintained 手入れされた trail 登山道 system 網  塊

Gear 装備 道具

Bumper sticker バンパー・ステッカー 車の後ろにはる装飾その他のシール

Beater ポンコツ 

Grab 掴む

Go (off) to ~ へ出かける

Explore 探検する 

Though ~  であるが  = although   but   

Rated ~  と格付けされている

Moderate 緩やか ゆるい 温暖

Hike 登山 / ハイキング walk 徒歩 trek 本格登山  ascend のぼる descend くだる 

Falls 滝 (単・複falls)    = waterfall

Uphill 登り   downhill 下り

Stroll 歩きまわること  = wander

Paper birch 白樺

Layers of bark  木の皮の層 

Peel off 剥がれる 剥がす peel 皮を剥く peeler 皮むき器

Wave 波打つ

Breeze そよ風

Line ~ にそって並ぶ  line up 列になって並ぶ・並べる

Nonstop 止まらない

Call and response 呼んで応える

Soundtrack サウンドトラック BGM

A bit of ~  ちょこっとの

Steadily 安定して stead 安定した

Black bear ブラック・ベアー

Yard ヤード 約90cm   1 yard (yd) = 3 feet (ft)    1 foot = 12 inches (in)

In the way 邪魔になっている  in his way 彼の邪魔になって

Something / nothing to do with ~  と関係する しない

Disappear 姿を消す

A card game or two トランプを一回か二回

3 hours of light to go  暗くなるまで3時間かかる  5 more kilometers to go あと5キロの(地点)

Beaver slough (沼)  ビーバーの巣 = beaver dam     ビーバーが木々でダムを作って地形を変える

Yellow-rumped warbler キブタアメリカムシクイ http://interesting.world.coocan.jp/hphp/b/kbpc/i/i-0438.htm

Dart 慌てて駆ける 動く 

I would … if 過去形 もしだったら~する 仮定法

All I wanted (to watch)  したいこと全て

How そのように 

Continue 続く

Load 荷を積む  荷   load up 荷を積み重ねる

Turquoise トルコ石の 青緑色の

Scream 叫ぶ

Pull 引く focus 意識のやりどころ in 方向へ 

Too many directions 沢山の方向があり過ぎてfocus できない 


引用:2018/7/17 NY Times. An Alaska National Park as Big as Connecticut. Annual Visitors? 23,000. から抜粋。
