
英語 ひでさん

NY Times (英字新聞)で日本・世界を読む

「アラスカで扇風機が売り切れ 異常熱波」ニューヨーク・タイムズ(英字新聞)を読む









Anchorage Has Never Reached 90 Degrees. That Could Change This Week.



In more than 100 years of Anchorage history, weather stations have never recorded a single 90-degree reading. If current forecasts hold, it could happen multiple times in the coming days.



“This is unprecedented,” Anchorage’s mayor, Ethan Berkowitz, said in an interview. “I tease people that Anchorage is the coolest city in the country — and climatically that is true — but right now we are seeing record heat.”

“これは、前代未聞です。” アンカレッジ市長イーサン・バーコウィッツ氏は言う。“私はアンカレッジは全国で一番クールな(しゃれた)町だと冗談で人に言いますが、気象的には本当の事ですが、しかし現在記録的暑さを経験しています。”


Alaska is experiencing many of the effects of a heating planet, as the nation’s fastest-warming state, according to the Fourth National Climate Assessment. The state’s temperatures are rising at twice the global average rate, with spring temperatures averaging about two to five degrees warmer than those of half a century ago.




Reach ~  へ達する = come to

90Fº 華氏90度 (32 Cº)  Fahrenheit 華氏  Celsius 摂氏    350Fº = 180Cº 98 degrees F (98ºC) = 36.6 degrees C   

Weather station 気象観測所

Reading 記録を指す

Current forecast 現在の天気予報 

Hold そのままである = stay / remain

Multiple times in coming days  来る複数の日に複数回

Unprecedented  かつて無い un 無い + precedent 前例 + ed

Mayor 市長

Tease 冗談を言う からかう

Cool かっこいい

Climatically 気象上 climate 気候 weather 天気   climate change 気候変動

Effect 効果     influence 影響 

Heating planet 温暖化する惑星

At twice the global average rate 世界の平均の上昇率の2倍で

Temperature 温度


引用:2019/07/04 NY Times. U.S.  Anchorage Has Never Reached 90 Degrees. That Could Change This Week.
