
英語 ひでさん

NY Times (英字新聞)で日本・世界を読む


NY Times から。ミトコンドリアを使って心臓病を治すという偶然的なことから始まった試みが治療を変えようとしているとの事です。


Dying Organs Restored to Life in Novel Experiments

An unusual transplant may revive tissues thought to be hopelessly damaged, including the heart and brain.




When Georgia Bowen was born by emergency cesarean on May 18, she took a breath, threw her arms in the air, cried twice, and went into cardiac arrest.



The baby had had a heart attack, most likely while she was still in the womb. Her heart was profoundly damaged; a large portion of the muscle was dead, or nearly so, leading to the cardiac arrest.



Doctors kept her alive with a cumbersome machine that did the work of her heart and lungs. The physicians moved her from Massachusetts General Hospital, where she was born, to Boston Children’s Hospital and decided to try an experimental procedure that had never before been attempted in a human being following a heart attack.



They would take a billion mitochondria — the energy factories found in every cell in the body — from a small plug of Georgia’s healthy muscle and infuse them into the injured muscle of her heart.



Mitochondria are tiny organelles that fuel the operation of the cell, and they are among the first parts of the cell to die when it is deprived of oxygen-rich blood. Once they are lost, the cell itself dies.



But a series of experiments has found that fresh mitochondria can revive flagging cells and enable them to quickly recover.



But, to be safe, they put her on a list for a heart transplant. She seems to be improving, though — she is breathing on her own and can drink breast milk through a tube. Her heart is showing signs of healing.



Georgia is a miracle who continues to fight daily and persevere through the obstacles she is dealt,” Ms. Bowen said.




Organ 臓器

Restore ~  を元に戻す 直す = fix / repair  直す heal / cure 治す recover / heal / revive / rehabilitate   回復する 良くなる 良くさせる

Restore ~  to life 生き返らせる = bring back to life / revive    resuscitate ~ 蘇生させる      restore the patient to health  患者を元気にさせる    resurrect (しばらく)死んでいたのが生き返る

Novel 斬新な 小説    unusual 普通でない    original 斬新で唯一の innovative  創造的な fresh 新鮮な

Experiment 実験  experimental procedure  実験的処置

Transplant 移植手術 移植 移住させる 

Tissue 細胞組織 skin tissue 皮膚の組織

Be thought to be ~  と考えられるもの

Hopelessly damaged 希望なく傷つけられている

Be born 生まれる  give birth 産む

Emergency 緊急の emergency room / department (ER / ED)  緊急病棟

Caesarean (section)  帝王切開 = C section  

Throw arms in the air 宙に手をあげる 諦めやがっかりポーズをとる throw hands in the air

Go into ~ の状態になる

Cardiac arrest 心拍停止 心臓停止  cardiac 心臓の arrest 止める・止まる こと

Heart attack  心臓麻痺

Womb 子宮

The baby had had a heart attack … in the womb. 子宮の中で、心臓麻痺を起こしていた。(過去完了形)

Most likely ほぼ間違いなく かなりの確率で 

Profoundly 深く ひどく 

A large portion of ~  の大部分 

Muscle 筋肉 heart muscle / myocardium 心筋

Cumbersome 大掛かりな 面倒な 

Experimental procedure  実験的処置

Attempt ~ 試みる = try

Human being 人間 

Billion 十億    million 百万   thousand 千

Mitochondria ミトコンドリア

A small plug  丸く切り取った塊

Infuse into ~ へ注入する infusion 注入 

Injured muscle  傷ついた筋肉   healthy muscle 健康な筋肉

Tiny 極小さな

Organelle細胞小器官  goo.gl/vPB8gF

Fuel ~  燃料を与える 燃料 fossil fuel 化石燃料

Operation of the cell 細胞の活動

Be deprived of ~  に欠乏する 

Oxygen-rich 酸素が豊富な

A series of ~  一連の = an array of ~

Flag 弱まる 縮小する

Enable 人・モノ to ~    を可能にさせる

To be safe 念のため

Improve 向上する

On her own  彼女の自身で 

Breast milk 母乳

Sign 兆し

Miracle 奇跡

Continue to / ~ ing し続ける

Preserver (with / in ~)  頑張ってし続ける 


記事によると、ジョージアの場合は心筋の一部が既に死んでしまっている場合なので、一部は治らなく機械を入れてあるが、機械無しでも機能するように治療が進められているとする。記事によると、心肺停止ではないが、似たような症状で 11例が2015年以来治療され10人が手術に成功して、他の理由で3人が最終的に亡くなっているとする。ごく最近の発見でミトコンドリアを、傷んだ場所へ注入せずとも、心筋への血管へ入れるだけで、磁石のように傷ついた細胞へくっついていくことが分かったとしている。


引用:2018/07/11 NY Times. Dying Organs Restored to Life in Novel Experiments から抜粋。
