
英語 ひでさん

NY Times (英字新聞)で日本・世界を読む


NY Times から、オウム真理教の死刑執行を短めの記事で取り上げています。


Japan Executes 6 Members of Cult Behind Sarin Attack



HONG KONG — Japan on Thursday executed all six former members of the Aum Shinrikyo doomsday cult who remained on death row after the execution of the group’s founder and six other members earlier this month, Japan’s Justice Ministry said.



“After 20 years of investigation, the execution is adequate — although some people say we should hear more from them” in terms of contrition, said Masaharu Yamada, a former police officer who investigated the attacks by the group. “Taking into account the agony and sorrow of victims and their families, it may be too late.”



The executions came nearly three weeks after officials carried out death sentences against Shoko Asahara, the group’s mastermind, and six of his former followers.



The three attacks, which the courts said were committed to further Mr. Asahara’s bid to “control Japan in the name of salvation,” caused the deaths of 29 people. The most notorious case, the sarin nerve gas attack on the Tokyo subway system, killed 13 people and injured thousands, making it the largest attack in Japan since World War II.



Japan remains one of the few developed countries to maintain the use of capital punishment for murders by hanging. Inmates and family members are only notified of the execution on the day it is carried out. Despite international condemnation, public support for the death penalty remains high in Japan.




Execute 人 を処刑する execution 死刑執行  execute order, task etc.  命令・仕事を執行する = perform / carry out / implement ~ 

Cult カルト組織

Behind ~ の裏の・にある

Sarin Attach  サリン襲撃事件

Former ~  元 前 former president 前大統領

Doomsday 末世

Remain (に) 残る   remain (as) 状態 として残る

On death row  死刑囚の death row 刑務所の死刑囚専用の棟  row 列

Founder 創設者  found / establish ~ を創設する

Earlier this month 今月の中で初旬か今よりも前の日

Justice Ministry 法務省

Investigation 調査 調べること investigate ~ を調べる  examination  検証 analysis 分析 Inspection 検査  review 状況の調査

Adequate 適当 適切 = proper   appropriate

Although ~  であるが = though     but しかし  however しかしながら

In terms of ~  に関して の見地から という意味で  = concerning / with (or in) regard to / with respect to / with(or in) reference to

Contrition 懺悔 悔悟の念     be contrite   懺悔している 

Taking ~ into account を顧みて を考慮して を考えると = considering ~

Agony 苦悩 

Sorrow 悲嘆

Victim 被害者  Victimize ~  ひどく扱う 被害者にさせる  懲罰を与える

Nearly ほぼ = almost  about   roughly   around

Officials 政府(関係者) 役人

Death sentence 死刑判決

Mastermind 首謀者 黒幕

Follower 従う人 信者

Court 法廷

Commit ~   を犯す する commit a crime 犯罪を犯す commit suicide 自殺する

Further ~   先へ推し進める 発展させる

Bid 試み 賭けること 挨拶等を投げかける

In the name of ~ の名の下で  in the name of Jesus, Amen. イエスの名のもとに、アーメン。

Salvation 救済(宗教的, 経済的等)

Cause ~ の原因となる 引き起こす = result in ~  の結果となる trigger ~ を引き起こす

Notorious 悪名高い = infamous

Nerve 神経の

Subway system 地下鉄網 trail system 登山道網  system = network

Injure ~ を傷つける = hurt / wound 傷つける  harm / damage 害を与える  impair 動けなくする 機能を奪う

One of the few ~   数少ない~であるものの一つ

Developed country  先進国      developing country 発展途上国 

Maintain ~ を維持する 保持する

Use of ~  の使用

Capital punishment 極刑 死刑 = death penalty   punish ~ を懲罰する  capital crime 死刑に値する犯罪 

Murder 殺人 murder ~ を殺す  manslaughter 致死罪 

Hanging 絞首刑

Inmate 囚人

Notify 人 of ~  を知らせる  notice 知らせ  note 記録 書いたもの  

Despite に拘わらず = in spite of ~

Condemnation 非難 condemn ~  を非難する     = criticize ~ 

Public support 一般市民の支持


引用:2018/7/27  NY Times. Asia Pacific.  Japan Executes 6 Members of Cult Behind Sarin Attack から抜粋。
